Personal Development in Mental Health

Name: Personal Development in Mental Health
Code: ENF14525M
Duration: 15 weeks/108 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This CU aims to develop the skills necessary to a greater knowledge and awareness of oneself as a person and nurse; the extension and bonding of the Self to the Professional Self;
With this CU students should be able to:
- To know the theories of human development;
- (Re) cognize the individual dimensions that shape the "to-Be-nurse”;
- Identify meaningful individual experiences that are significant to self-understanding;
- (Re) consider self-understanding enlarged in inter-subjectivity;
- Transfer ownership and understanding of the Self using your Therapeutic Self, in the professional dimension.


Human Development Theories and Theoretical Models Phenomenological; Existential-Humanist; Autobiographical and Experiential Learning;
Concepts of Self, being-in-the-world, world vision, perception, subjectivity, experience, Praxis experience, Learning, Relearning.;
Characteristics of experiential learning for oneself development;
Intersubjectivity as a vehicle that enhances the appropriation and understanding of oneself in professional practice.

Teaching Methods

The CU will take place using theoretical and theoretical-practical learning through the set of proposed participatory methodologies.
All sessions will have TP classes with presentation of the set of proposals, agreed with the group of Students.
Assessment: Reflective autobiographical Essay of self-knowledge learning and personal development (100%)