Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Name: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Code: ENF14490M
Duration: 15 weeks/135 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course unit (CU) aims to develop specific skills to identify, assess and respond appropriately to the health problems of populations, analysing them in an Epidemiological view and envisaging their contribution to the organization of Health Services.
As a result of learning, the student is expected to:
• To define the epidemiological method and know how to apply it in solving health problems;
• To define the amplitude, distribution and evolution of morbid phenomena in the population;
• To identify risk factors and groups;
• To analyze the etiological hypotheses of morbid phenomena;
• Analyze epidemiological information identifying its contribution to the quality and performance of health services;
• To identify the fundamental statistical methods for the epidemiological approach to health problems in the community and for the management of health programs and services.


1) Fundamentals of Epidemiology
2) Dynamics and distribution of Health and Disease in the community and its determinants
3) Identification of the Health Problem: Binomial Health / Disease; Natural history of the disease; Levels of Prevention
4) Demographic and health measures and indicators
5) Epidemiological surveillance: epidemiological surveillance systems. Investigation of disease outbreaks in the community
6) Health promotion and disease prevention in the community and evaluation of interventions.
7) Understanding descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
8) Descriptive and analytical epidemiology - Inference and causality.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions will be developed through the exposition of the syllabus, individual and group exercises for application and deepening of knowledge. Tutorial guidance is included, valuing interaction through the student's active participation in theoretical and theoretical-practical sessions developed using data analysis and articles from scientific publications, demographic, health statistics and other data.
The evaluation will be made based on the realization of an individual or group written work (maximum three students) with respective presentation and discussion (70% Written Work + 30% Presentation and Discussion).