Health Planning

Name: Health Planning
Code: ENF14436M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This curricular unit intends to make known the stages of health planning, allowing the student to develop action plans, programs and projects.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

• Understand the planning stages, health information sources and analysis strategies;
• Recognize health planning methodology diagnoses and intervention based on specialist nurses in community and public health;
• Identify health needs and tools for setting priorities;
• Organize data from various sources to analyze the health needs unmet and their implications in health services and nursing care;
• Develop action plans, programs and projects;
• Apply monitoring tools and evaluation of programs and projects;
• Reveals self-learning skills and uses the available evidence in the design of intervention projects.


1. Planning Health: concepts and steps;
2. Health Information and planning: databases and health information systems; Key strategies for data analysis;
3. Health situation diagnosis: problems and health population needs;
4. Health priorities;
5. Planning the intervention: action plans, programs and health projects;
6. Health monitoring and evaluation;
7. Planning for contingency situation. Health planning for efficient resource use: contributions to health facilities contractualizacion and to promote
quality care.
8. Health marketing

Teaching Methods

In the teaching of the program, pedagogics will be selected to encourage students to acquire / deepen their knowledge, based on research, reflection and analysis, guided and framed in the theoretical, theoretical-practical and tutorial classes.
In a group, texts and data sources will be formed and some practical exercises will be carried out in practical theoretical classes.
The evaluation of the curricular unit is carried out through a moment of formal evaluation that consists in the conception, in group, of a community intervention project in the scope of prevention, protection and health promotion, with respective presentation and discussion.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )