Commercialization and Wine Marketing

Name: Commercialization and Wine Marketing
Code: GES13901M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Fornecer aos alunos os conceitos básicos e os métodos e técnicas de Comercialização e de Marketing salientando a sua aplicação ao sector vitivinícola e a sua importância como ferramentas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de qualquer projeto empresarial seja no âmbito nacional, seja global e internacional. Competências a desenvolver:
Domínio dos conceitos básicos e das técnicas e instrumentos de comercialização e de marketing para análise dos mercados do vinho;
Capacidade para utilizar diversos tipos de informação e de delinear e conceber estudos de mercado de suporte à estratégia de marketing;
Capacidade de tomada de decisão e resolução de problemas de comercialização e de marketing;
Capacidade de relacionar conceitos de forma integrada e de interpretar a informação;
Capacidade para realizar um plano de marketing;
Capacidade de trabalho em equipa, de transmissão de ideias e informações orais e escritas e de raciocínio interdisciplinar integrado;


1. The commercialization and marketing global context
1.1. Trade and marketing
1.2. The marketing concept and its evolution
1.3. The wine marketing environment
1.4. The wine marketing system
1.5. Wine associative cooperation and intersectorial cooperation
1.6. e-agro-food marketing
2. The wine market
2.1.Characteristics, Organizational Forms and Operation
2.2. Methods of analysis, evaluation and market prevision
2.3. The international market context
2.4.Market research
3. Marketing strategy, plan and control
3.1. Analysis diagnostic
3.2. Marketing objectives
3.3. Marketing strategy
3.4. Wine Marketing-mix
3.4.1 Managing the wine product, the brand and the innovation process
3.4.2. Wine Communication
3.4.3. Wine Distribution and Sales
3.4.4. Set the price of wine
3.5. The Marketing plan

Teaching Methods

- The sessions include a participative teaching methodology, with the discussion of practical situations and case studies and seminars with wine experts in order to promote ccritical thinking and abstraction capacities, creative intuition and oral communication;
- PowerPoint presentations will be used in combination with blackboard.
- e-learning tutorial sessions with moodleplatform;
- Incentive students to do one group wine marketing plan.
The e-learning platform moodle is an essential element to facilitate the contact between students and professor.
The grade is based on one-group research project, participation and a final exam with material consulting. The final grade gives a weight of 10% to participation, 40% to the group project and 50% to the final exam. In each of the components the students cannot

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )