Mechanization and Precision Viticulture

Name: Mechanization and Precision Viticulture
Code: ERU13807M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Presentation, from the user perspective, the available technology in viticulture. The future professional should know the advantages and limitations of different options. Employing techniques of machinery work organization and funding to optimize the use of equipment in viticulture. Learn about new technologies and know how to apply the precision agriculture techniques supporting decision-making on viticulture.


The program of the course is organized into two parts:
Part 1: Mechanization in Viticulture, and Part 2: Precision Viticulture (PV);

Themes Part 1: harvesting equipment; pre-pruning and pruning equipment; equipment for management of soil and vegetation; fertilization equipment; protect health equipment; vegetation control equipment, organization of mechanization work in vineyards.
Themes Part 2: The principles of PV, PV Tools, Analysis of practical cases in PV, seminars and presentation of papers.

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit is based in terms of teaching methodology in three sections:
1-Theoretical concepts in the classroom, supported by electronic means (+ portable data projectors) and bibliographic synthesis document ("handouts");
2-Presentation and demonstration of equipment;
3-Bibliographic research and development of a bibliographic revision.
In the course evaluation students are subjected to three assessment tests: two tests (each weighing 25%) on the "Mechanization in viticulture" module and the bibliographic revision (report and presentation) on a topic related to the Precision Viticulture (weight 50%). The final grade is obtained from the weighted average of the three assessment tests.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )