Globalisation & Internationalisation Strategies

Name: Globalisation & Internationalisation Strategies
Code: GES12431D
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Social Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Understand and apply a wide range of theories related to the processes of globalisation, enterprise
internationalisation and economic integration.
- Identify and understand different internationalisation strategies at the territorial, regional, national,
trading bloc, organisational and interest group levels.
- Acquire tools relevant to the interpretation of the evolution and impact of globalisation and
internationalisation processes and strategies.
- Acquire the capacity for critical reflection on the models applicable to the analysis of the abovementioned
processes and strategies.
- Construct the ability to integrate knowledge from different disciplinary areas relevant to the subject under
study, as well as extending of oral and written communication skills.


1. Theories & models of globalisation, economic integration and internationalisation
Dimensions of European and global integration, its dynamics, impacts and governance
The comparative advantage required to build competitive advantage
Interventionism and international trade policies
Liberalism and policies to support business internationalisation
2. Empirical experiences of globalization, economic integration and internationalization
The macroeconomic perspective: concepts, typologies, comparative intercountry analysis (advanced
nations, emerging economies and developing countries), trade blocs; distinctive national and
organizational cultures
The organizational perspective: industrial competitiveness, resources and skills, institutions, cultures and
ethics, networks and strategic alliances; the dynamics of global competition
3. Integrative Seminar
Key challenges of international economic and business integration
Problem identification and prioritising of research questions

Teaching Methods

Consistent with the aims and content of the overall programme, the teaching methods in this CU will
- Formal lectures to introduce key issues, subsequently opening out to wider plenary debate and/or small
- Interactive presentations by students/teachers to encourage participation and stimulate knowledge
- Readings of texts connected with programme content (in individual study time) for subsequent classroom
presentation and discussion.
- Case study presentations by students (constituting the primary assessment tool) and by teachers and
guest speakers, followed by debate.
Evaluation of the unit will include both activities with teacher-student contact and student self-directed
activities, including presentations of theories/models, conceptual clarifications, literature reviews and
individual or group assignments. Continuous assessment will be given preference so as to motivate
assiduity, participation in group work as well as individual work capacity.