Composition Portfolio

Name: Composition Portfolio
Code: MUS12935D
Duration: 30 weeks/858 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course provides the practical dimension to the theoretical research developed in the context of the doctorate. In artistic research it is essential that any theoretical idea should be put to the test in practice, and this practical side will in turn certainly influence the sort of theoretical reasoning employed. In this case, the doctoral student in composition will make use of all the technical resources that he has developed throughout his compositional career to write music that will enrich his understanding of the proposals made in theory. At the same time, it will be natural that his overall compositional abilities should become increasingly developed as a result of this practical approach.


The exact programmatic content will depend on the theoretical parte of the research. In certain cases, shorter works will be more appropriate, in others it could be preferable to embark on larger works; in some cases, the most suitable instrumentation could be on a smaller scale (chamber music, solo music, ….), in others larger groups will be more convenient (orchestra, large ensemble, ….). Everything depends directly on the type of research proposed.

Teaching Methods

Weekly private lesson.

Continuous evaluation through a number of assignments and compositions.