Seminar on Pshycology II – Educational Processes and Learning

Name: Seminar on Pshycology II – Educational Processes and Learning
Code: PSI12656D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Framed in the scientific area of Educational Psychology, it aims at promoting the quality of learning at different levels of education and throughout life, in a systemic and multivariate way

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To know student-centered learning academic models (SAL- Students Approaches to Learning; SRL- Self-Regulated Learning) and recognize their contribution to the quality of learning and teaching in differente levels of education
-To know and understand the complexity and interdependence of educational and learning processes based on the main psychological models
- Understand the impact of adaptation processes to academic contexts in learning, academic success and well-being
- To know and critically analyze recent research in the field of educational psychology related to educational processes and learning
- Demonstrate critical analysis and comprehension skills of the models studied in differente educational levels, based on research data.


1. Introduction- Learning and teaching issues in the light of new paradigms of Educational Psychology
2. Student-centered learning
2.1. SAL Perspective –Conceptions and approaches to learning and teaching
2.2. SRL Perspective – Self-regulated academic learning
2.3. Research on SAL and SRL perspectives
3. Impact of adaptation processes to academic contexts in learning, academic success and well-being
3.1. Research on adaptation processes to academic contexts and its impacts.

Teaching Methods

Presentation, analysis and discussion of theoretical concepts and practical examples.
Presentation and critical discussion of research data on the themes of the seminar.
Individual and group Tutorial Support (OT) to the development of a research paper about the topics of the seminar;
Elaboration of a synthesis work (theoretical or about research data), which contributes to 100% of the final grade and according to the following criteria a) justification and pertinence of the work theme (20%); b) reasoning and critical reflection (80%).