The worldwide importance of European Cultural and Archaeological Heritage and the inherent global leadership of Europe in this sector cannot be disputed but, at the same time, comes with a strong demand for Master and PhD level-educated (Level 7 and 8 in the European Qualification Network) experts and professionals in Cultural Heritage (CH) and Archaeological Materials (i.e. Archaeometry) study and conservation.
The 2021 report of the Charter (European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance) Cultural heritage education & training in Europe ? pathways to qualifications informs on the transmission of formal and non-formal education and training in CH, highlights the pathways that may lead to qualifications for jobs and professions, and stresses the importance of the use of microcredentials for mapping training provision, relevant skills and competences and occupation in the CH sector.
The proposed BIP intends to contribute to these challenges by providing students with transdisciplinary training involving experts and professionals in the broad sector of the Management of Archaeological and CH materials including innovative scientific and IT technologies for diagnosis, preservation, conservation and restoration, and fruition within the European socio-economic context.
Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assets: from Management to Characterization and Conservation
Curso de Formação
Ano Letivo 2024/2025
Course Overview
Organic Unit:
School of Science and Technology
6 Weeks/6 ECTS credits ( required in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
- Physical science (others) (449)
For Whom
The BIP is open to European and non European excellent students with bachelor (I cycle equivalent-180 ECTS credits) degrees from both Science (Physics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology-Biochemistry, Engineering) and Humanities (Archaeology, Conservation Science, Cultural Heritage Studies, Architecture, Art History) academic fields. It will also be open to professionals in the Museum/Conservation sector that requires updating their knowledge and personal skills in in this highly specialised field providing they are holder of a Bachelor (I cycle) degree and possess an excellent academic background in the general fields of Archaeology-Museology-Conservation science-Cultural Heritage
Datas de Realização do Curso
1st Phase (º Momento de Oferta)
- Begin: 18/11/2024
- End: 20/12/2024
Segunda-Sexta 9.00-18.00
Vacancies and Applications
Initial Places: 35
Applications and Enrollment Dates
1st Phase (º Momento de Oferta)- Applications: 14/10/2024 to 30/10/2024
- Results: until 07/11/2024
- Enrollment: 07/11/2024 to 11/11/2024
Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees
Students from EU countries
0.00 €
Course Committee
Segunda-Sexta 9.00-18.00