Living, Inquiring and Knowing: outdoor practices for sustainability

Curso de Formação

Ano Letivo 2024/2025

Course Overview

In today?s world, connection to ?others? (human and non human) is paramount. Enabling different ways of knowing, feeling, perceiving, and connecting with ?others?, in the realm of the multispecies communities we live in, is consequently a key for a sustainable future.
This BIP proposes immersive and transformative experiences in the landscape and in the hardscape, as hubs for learning and research. Through theoretical backgrounds, immersive experiences, analysis and discussions of Real World case studies, participants will develop the perception of their roles in embracing sustainability in their daily lives as global citizens, regardless of their different backgrounds and professional roles within society.
Three phases define this BIP:
i) online classes on the basic theoretical concepts and background practices related to sustainability competences and outdoor experiential research-based learning;
ii) in-person immersive and participatory experiences involving different methods of inquiry;
iii) autonomous inter/transdisciplinary outdoor project, done individually or in a group (with online tutorial support), contributing to the expected transformative process, followed by discussion and assessment.
The BIP is organized into 5 modules:
1. Education for sustainability in outdoor contexts
2. Outdoor immersive experiences
3. Outdoor research: foundations and approaches
4. Transformative learning experiences
5. Outdoor research in action: envisioning the future
Organic Unit: School of Science and Technology
Duration: 6 Weeks/6 ECTS credits ( required in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: B-learning
CNAEF Areas:
  • Personal skills (090)

For Whom

This course BIP has been designed for post-graduation students, including Master and PhD. Applicants may come from a diversity of backgrounds, (Humanities, Science, Arts, etc..), countries and cultures.

Datas de Realização do Curso

1st Phase (º Momento de Oferta)
  • Begin: 23/09/2024
  • End: 31/10/2024
Presencial na Universidade de Évora entre 29 de setembro e 5 de outubro.
Online de 23 a 27 de setembro e de 7 a 31 de outubro

Vacancies and Applications

Initial Places: 30

Applications and Enrollment Dates

1st Phase (º Momento de Oferta)
  • Applications: 15/04/2024 to 31/05/2024
  • Results: until 30/06/2024
  • Enrollment: 26/09/2024 to 03/10/2024

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Students from EU countries
0.00 €

Course Committee


Presencial na Universidade de Évora entre 29 de setembro e 5 de outubro.
Online de 23 a 27 de setembro e de 7 a 31 de outubro


Contact Information

Director: Maria Ilhéu []

Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE