Community Health: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Name: Community Health: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Code: CMS14323L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The curricular unit contributes to the relevance of knowledge about preventive activities throughout the life cycle, as well as individual, group and social factors that protect and promote health.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Know the concepts
-Health and illness
Risk factors for specific diseases or undesirable events
Health determinants
Social and environmental basis of health
Equity and health promotion
Principles and Strategies of the Ottawa Charter
salutogenic theory
-Prevention of the disease
-Health literacy
-Identify conflicts and practical consequences on health, longevity and well-being, and ways of looking at health
-Recognize health as a process co-produced by a web of biopsychosocial influences/interactions
-Distinguish between levels of prevention and its applicability
-Recommend the most appropriate preventive activities throughout the life cycle
-Identify individual, group and social factors that protect and promote health
-Systematize facilitating training strategies for health management
-Explain the "Reverse Care Law" relating it to the dimensions of health equity
2.Describe the skills required for qualified professional performance in health promotion


Vicious circle “disease-poverty” (Chadwick 1839)
Contributions to medicine, pathology, public health and health policies (Virchow R 1821-1902)
Post-World War II Health Principles and Policies
From disease prevention to health promotion - milestones in the evolution of concepts, organization and practices of primary health care and health promotion.
“The Law of Reverse Care” (Hart J Lancet 1971)
Health determinants and social basis of health
Integrating approach of the main health intervention models.
Integrating thinking and action of health determinants: bio-behavioral and socio-environmental factors/Dahlgren and Whitehead model
Charter from Ottawa and global conferences
Concept and implications of health in all policies
Education, literacy and health promotion
Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases
Profile and competency map for consistent and continuous professional action to promote health in a community.

Teaching Methods

Active participation of individual and group students, through: case studies, structured forms; scenarios; debates; short essays; "role-play".
Teachers must provide theoretical frameworks; raise doubts and help in finding answers; guide in bibliographic exploration; provide support materials for participatory activities; guide group dynamics; challenge and guide students in critical analysis, questioning, refuting, and relativizing published/disclosed information; provide ongoing, personalized, and group feed-back; prepare and conduct assessments.
Assessment: 2 group assignments, with explicit objectives and a matrix of previously known evaluation criteria (50%) + final individual written test with multiple choice questions with 2-3 justifications (50%).
UC Evaluation: questionnaire on perceived learning gains and evaluation of teaching effectiveness, for each of the objectives, aiming at its improvement.