Brazilian Literature

Name: Brazilian Literature
Code: LLT13625L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To recognize the variety and breadth of Brazilian literature in the twentieth century.
Understand the specificities of Brazilian literature and culture in the moments and authors studied.
To perceive some of the impact that many of these authors had in the literature of Portuguese language.


1. The Brazilian Modernism. Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira.
2. The narrative reconfiguration: João Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector (contos).
3. The counterculture in the poetry of the 70's and the 80's.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes presupposing oral discussion of the texts proposed for each class.
Evaluation in the continuous (encouraged) and final modalities according to the Academic Regulations of the University of Évora and the Regulation of the DLL.
a) Continuous assessment includes at least two assessment components, one of which a written test, whose grade cannot be less than 8 values.
A percentage of 50% is attributed to the written test, and an equal percentage to the evaluation elements proposed during the semester.
b)Final Exam Evaluation (1st and 2nd , special and extraordinary calls) consists of a written test (100%). Students who score between 8 and 9.4 on the written test need to do an oral exam.