Portuguese Culture

Name: Portuguese Culture
Code: LLT10792L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Discipline of Language and Literature course that is taught in the first year of the course. All other elements are provided in the articles filled out above.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

– To acquire a solid notion of culture.
– To put main topics of the Portuguese culture in perspective, especially until 1580.
– To interpret them in a personal and creative way.
– To contact the following authors and topics: D. Dinis (the “soedade”: a culture of desire); D. Duarte (the virtue, the stoicism, the Philosophy and the beginning of discoveries); Camões (the wistful gnosis of Camões in the “Roundels of Babel and Zion”); Francisco Manuel de Melo (Mythogenesis of Saudade: Epanáfora Amorosa and the discoveries).
–To serve as backbone to the students knowledge of Portuguese literature, especially medieval and renaissance Portuguese literature.
– To provide the students with an approach to Portuguese culture that leads them to understand its present values.


1–Natural conditionings of Portuguese culture: situation of the territory and the human population.
– The cultural role of the Mozarabic and the historical formation of Portugal. The monastic-Cistercian culture (Tarouca, Alcobaça), the templar culture (Braga, Tomar) and the Sufi culture (Mértola, Silves).
– Historical aspects of the Portuguese episode of Inês de Castro and his literary reception in the 15th century (Fernão Lopes) and in the 16th (Garcia de Resende, António Ferreira e Luís de Camões).
– The cultural and the political consequences of 1383-1385 crisis. The inevitability of an Atlantic policy. The great lines of the Portuguese sea expansion.
– The religious pressure from Spain in Portugal in the 16th century. The end of religious pluralism. Newborn Christians and the Crypto-Judaism. The Sebastianist contribute (from D. João de Castro until Fernando Pessoa).

Teaching Methods

The sessions will be theorical-practical contemplating several methodologies, proper to a theorical-practical class: collective sessions of presentation of the contents; answering questions; debates of fundamental and specific issues; critical readings of selected texts; oral presentations by the students of the subjects treated. Student’s evaluation to accord with the university rules. Bearing in mind that this is a first-year subject, although in the second semester, two written tests in and a set of small interventions in are stipulated for school continuous assessment. Evaluation by exam consists on a single written test carried out within the period stipulated in the school calendar. Students are encouraged to opt for continuous assessment, as this presupposes a formative and progressive component that is not present in the exam. The exam emphasizes above all the qualitative component of the evaluation.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )