Planning of Events and Tourist Animation II

Name: Planning of Events and Tourist Animation II
Code: SOC13853L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Objectives of the curricular unit:
Reviews about the different types of events relevant to tourism, classifying them based on their differentiating elements
Transmission of knowledge in the area of tourist activities that allow your environment with leisure and heritage (revision)
Knowing the different stages of the organization of an event and a tourist animation project relevant to tourism
Relate the transactions inherent in the organization of events to different types of events
Add value to the tourist product and stimulate creativity around animation, respecting principles of inclusion and sustainability
Contact companies that organize events and tourist entertainment, analysing in detail specific events
Prepare a synopsis of an event project and a tourism animation project
Skills to be developed:
Develop the ability to Leadership and Team Building
Interpreting the heritage and frame animation
Managing visitor attractions
Developing entrepreneurship
Developing entrepreneurship u


1-Theory and Practice of the Event (Reviews):
1.1- Case studies
1.2- Planning and organizing an event project
1.3- Presentation and evaluation of the project
1-Theory and Practice of Tourist Animation (reviews)
1.1- Case Studies
1.2- Planning and organizing a tourism animation project
1.3- Presentation and evaluation of the project

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit of planning of events and tourist animation II will work on theoretical and practical sessions. The theoretical sessions aim to enable the transmission of specific knowledge of planning of events and tourist animation activities, being supported in expository method using the documents in paper and in electronic form. The practical sessions aim to enhance the knowledge obtained, namely through a case study of planning of events and tourist animation activities applied in different contexts. Whenever possible it is planned to carry out study visits or participation in seminars that enable students to contact with different realities and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the classroom space. It is also planned to contact some professionals in the sector as part of the presentation of some of the professions in the tourism sector. Practical for the design of projects applied to planning of events and tourist animation work will be conducted.