Tourism and Development

Name: Tourism and Development
Code: SOC13851L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The overall objective is to provide the student with the ability to intervene in an organization with responsibilities in the development process, particularly as regards the definition of strategies and appropriate instruments of intervention in relation to the context in which they operate. Skills: Analyzing the political, economic, social and physical environment that influences the sustainable development of tourism and take action according to that reality; Interpreting the main national and supranational policies for tourism development and transpose them into reality; In light of major theories and planning models, identifying the most appropriate processes and tools for planning and management of a tourist destination; identifying the actors and their responsibilities in the development process and interact with them in order to enhance the tourist destination, considering the characteristic of the urban or rural space.


Module I - Tourism and Development

1. Local and regional development

2. Approaches to tourism development

3. Tourism and sustainable development

4. Tourism, territory and development

4.1- In rural areas

4.2- In urban space

5. Case studies

Module II - Tourism planning

1. Tourism planning and development

2. Approaches to tourism planning

2.1- In rural areas

2.2- In urban space

3. Planning, Development and Management of Tourist Destinations
4. Case studies
Module III - Tourism Development Plan

1. Tourism Development Plan for a Municipality

2. Tourism Development Plan for a City

Teaching Methods

The subjects to be taught will be covered in the theoretical-practical classes, not only using the expository and explanatory methods for the transmission of essential knowledge, but also fostering dialogue, debate and case analysis to deepen the issues. The Student will be encouraged to identify sources of information complementary to those indicated, using various research instruments. Whenever possible,it is foreseen to carry out study visits or to participate in conferences for the Student to contact with different realities and consolidate the knowledge learned in the classroom. The modular approach is individualized by themes,but the reflections and debates are based on an integrative and cumulative view of all the subjects covered during the classes and, sometimes,using the knowledge obtained in other disciplines. The student will do practical exercises in classes related to the development and planning of tourism.It will also make the tourism development plan for a municipality

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )