Tourism Projects

Name: Tourism Projects
Code: SOC13831L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The UC of Tourist Projects promotes the learning of tools for the design of innovative and creative projects in tourism, based on the methodology of Project-based learning (PjBL).

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Develop tourism projects, within the current framework of the tourist organizations.

2. Apply the CANVAS methodology as an instrument for the design of tourism projects.

3. Apply instruments to evaluate tourism projects.

4. Develop team work skills and enhance creative and innovative solutions in tourism.


1. Introductory concepts
1.1. Planning, project and project management
1.2. Strategic planning of tourism projects

2. Tourism project management
2.1. Project team organization and leadership
2.2. Planning, programming and control

3 - Design and analysis of tourism projects
3.1. Organization of the Tourism project charter
3.2. Business Plan development using the CANVAS method
3.3. Methods of analysis and evaluation of tourism projects

4 - Funding programs for tourism projects

5 - Tourism Project Lab.

Teaching Methods

The subjects to be taught will be covered in the theoretical-practical classes, which will be supported through the adoption of the Project-based learning (PjBL) methodology. Expositive and task application methods will be used for the development of projects. Whenever possible, it is expected to participate in workshop activities that allow students to interact with different realities and consolidate the knowledge learned in classroom space.
Continuous Assessment Scheme - 1 individual written test (50%) + Project (50%)
Evaluation regime by normal exam - 1 individual written test (60%) + Project (40%)
Evaluation regime by supplementary exam - 1 individual exam (100%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )