International Organizations

Name: International Organizations
Code: ECN13118L
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The International Organisations CU seeks to familiarise students with IOs as fundamental elements of global governance.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To know the main IO
2. Analyse their Proximity, legitimacy and Accountability
3. To understand the dimension of Global Governance of IO
4. To understand the role of institutional IO and NGOs
5. To acquire competences of oral presentation and discussion of a pre-scientific paper
6. To research and use English as an working tool
7. To know the labour market and its opportunities from IO


Part 1: To understand Global Governance (GG)
1. The challenges of GG
2. The theoretical foundations of GG:
a. Liberalism, Realism, Constructivism, Critical Theories, Organization Theories
BIB: [K-M, 2004, Part 1], ,[D, 2005, Part 1],[Z, 2006, chp.1]
Part 2: The evolution of GG:
3. Foundations of Global Governance
4. The UN:Center of Global Governance
5. Regional Organizations
6. Non-governamental Actors: NGOs, nets and social movements
7. The role of states in Global Governnace
BIB: [K-M, 2004, Part 2]; [D, 2005, Part 2, chps. 4 a 7; Part 4, chps.11-14]; [Z, 2006, chps. 2-9]
Part 3: The need of Global Governance
8. The search for peace and security
9. To promote human development and economic welfare
10. To protect human rights
11. To protect the environment
BIB: [K-M, 2004, Part 3]; [D, 2005, Part 3, 4 e 5, chps. 8-17]
Part 4: Dilemmas of Global Governance
12. Dilemmas of Global Governance on the 21st century
BIB: [K-M, 2004, Part 4]; [D, 2005, Part 6]; [Z, 2006, chp. 10 ]

Teaching Methods

The IO course uses a student-centred teaching methodology, implementing strategies for participation and involvement, firmly believing that learning is a practice, a process of autonomous discovery and the critical and creative construction of knowledge.
The course encourages co-operative work in the classroom, with weekly group and individual activities.
Student attendance and participation in is therefore a key element in the success of the learning process.

Students can choose between "continuous assessment" or a final exam (regular season/appeal season).
Continuous assessment" is structured as follows:
a. Participation in/elaboration of classroom activities (60 per cent)
b. Group work: Presentation of an International Organisation (40%)

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Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )