Scientific Internship

Name: Scientific Internship
Code: QUI13519L
Duration: 15 weeks/468 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objectives of this curricular unit are to complement the training of the undergraduate, to improve the competences previously acquired and to prepare his entrance in professional life.
At the end of the curricular unit, the student should be able: to plan and perform work alone, with confidence and in a responsible way; to analyse results in a critical way, organise the information and presenting it, coherently and objectively, in a written report and in an oral presentation; discuss and answer correctly to the questions put forward.


Each student has an Internship theme, in the area of Chemistry, and approved by the Course Director, according to the Normas.
The work will be original and preferably innovative, performed by the student individually and supervised by the advisors.
The student's work involves, among others, the research and analysis of bibliography; execution of the work plan, preparation of a written report and its oral presentation, in accordance with the Normas. In addition, the student should also be actively involved in planning the work plan.

Teaching Methods

All internships must be supervised by one or more professors or researcher (s) of the University of Évora. In the case of internships held in companies or institutions outside the University, the internship must also have an advisor at the internship location. After an initial phase of more intense follow-up, the supervisors should proceed to make the student autonomous, including in the organization and writing of the report. The Evaluation Committee is chaired by a member of the Course Committee, and is also composed of one of the Scientific Internship advisors and the examiner. The examiner must be a professor or a researcher. The evaluation of the Scientific Internship will be carried out by the Evaluation Committee based on the advisor's evaluation form (annex 3 of the Normas), the internship report and the presentation and discussion of the report. The classification is done at the end of the discussion of the internship report and communicated to the student.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )