Industrial Chemistry

Name: Industrial Chemistry
Code: QUI13545L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The main goal of the course is to provide a global perspective of the role that chemical industry plays in society at scientific, social and economic levels. Students should be able to recognize the position of chemical industry in the social and economic context, identifying the most important chemical processes and exploring the relationships among them. They also should be able to understand the solutions found for each problem, integrating them in a more general pattern in the context of process strategies. Finally, they should be able to learn about the History of Chemical Industry and its relation with the History of Science and Technology, as well as be familiar with the borders of chemical industry and its interactions with other productive sectors. It is intended that the course contributes to the development of skills in the ability to search for information and communication in science (whether oral or written) and to the formation of student on the ethical point of view


The chemical industry worldwide and in Portugal. The history of Chemical industry (topics). The evolution of chemical industry in some countries. Comparison with the History of Science and History of Technology. The developement of chemical industry in Portugal. Chemical Process industry. Raw materials. Products from oil, natural gas, charcoal, carbohydrates, vegetal oils and greases. Raw materials for inorganc products. Recycled materials. Energy. Types of energy. Uses of energy in chemical industry. Commodities. Industrial gases. Oil refinning. Chemical and physical processes of refinning. Petrochemical products. Olefines. Polyolefines : production and applications. Syn gas production. Carbochemical products. Acetylene. Chemicals from syn gas. Acid acetic production. Tereftalic acid and polyesthers. Pulp and paper industry. Concrete industry.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology of this course comprises only theoretical classes. These classes have an expositive component and also a discussion forum about the subjects of the course.
The assessment method is composed by an essay about a subject closely related with Chemical Industry or its History or evolution and the corresponding oral presentation, with a weight of 50 % for each evaluation criterion.