Clinic Psychology

Name: Clinic Psychology
Code: PSI11113L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To acquire knowledge about Clinical Psychology history.
To identify the mail principles, strategies, and techniques used in clinical Psychology.
To sensitize for the importance of searching empirical support and professional tools to guide the professional practice and also for the importance of continuous training.
To know how a clinical perspective may be putted into practice in several contexts and specializations.
To know the deontological principles and the ethical questions raised in clinical psychology


1. Clinical Psychology history and foundations.
2. Psychopathology, Well-being and Development.
3. General principles, procedures and techniques in clinical psychology.
4. Basic competences and skills of a clinical psychologist. Personal and professional development for clinical psychologists.
5. Integrating science and practice in clinical psychology. Empiric support and contributes from the practitioners. Practice Based Research Networks.
6. Areas of practice in Psychology. Traditional contexts and new contexts of practice in clinical psychology.
7. Ethical questions and decision-making processes in clinical psychology.

Teaching Methods

Continuous evaluation system: implies the evaluation of two products:
(a) A practical/theoretical written work that must be presented to the about a specific work context that implies bibliographic research and articulating of the findings with either an interview or the analysis of a practice guideline. These works are presented and partly developed and monitored in the practical classes (50% of the final grade).
(b) A written test about main topics knowledge (50%).

Final evaluation system: there is also the evaluation of two products:
aa) the answer supported by a bibliographic research process of a question that is about a specific practice context (50%);
b) a written knowledge test (50%). All the evaluation dead lines are agreed with the students.

Teaching Staff