Behaviour, Cognitive and Systemic Models

Name: Behaviour, Cognitive and Systemic Models
Code: PSI11104L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


It is sought that students acquire an integrated set of knowledge on human functioning that can ground specialized knowledge to be acquired throughout their training as psychologists

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To reveal knowledge on major behavioral, cognitive and systemic models of human functioning;
To reveal knowledge on criteria for integrated analysis of human functioning;
To reveal critical analysis and reflection skills on human functioning;
To be able to generalize and transfer theoretical knowledge to daily experiences


1.1. Epistemological considerations: The value of a psychological theory
1.2. The study of personality
1.3. Criteria for analysis of human functioning

2.1. Historical perspective
2.2. John Watson and behaviorism
2.3. Skinner and the theory of operant conditioning
2.4. Practical implications
2.5. Advantages and limitations of behavioral models

3.1. The Emergence of the Cognitive Revolution
3.2. The social-cognitive approach of Albert Bandura
3.3. Approaches to information processing
3.4. Advantages and limitations of cognitive models
3.5. The evolution towards constructivism

4.1. The emergence of systemic perspectives
4.2. The systemic perspective of human functioning
4.3. Practical implications

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes involve a mix between methodologies based on the explanation of contents, dialogue and reflection grounded in the analysis of articles. We seek a permanent articulation between the theoretical contents and their implications.
The practical classes will include reflexive activities on theory practical applicability to the daily life, analysis and discussion of articles and group work.
The course unit is mandatory in 75% of classes

Continuous evaluation
Written test with weight of 70%, in the final grade. Practical work with weight of 30%.

Final evaluation
Exam includes both a theoretical and a practical part, with weights of 70% and 30%, respectively. The exam includes all subjects taught in theoretical and practical classes. The practical part of the exam considers contents on group work themes. Students with a final grade equal to or greater than 10 (ten) values are tested

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )