Social Psychology

Name: Social Psychology
Code: PSI11100L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Promote knowledge and understanding of the main approaches and concepts of social psychology;
- Promote the understanding of social interaction, human relations and social reality;
- Promote social competences;
- Promote knowledge and critical discussion of research methodologies used in social psychology;
- Promote the integration of acquired knowledge in various disciplines of psychology course.


1. Introduction
1.1. Definition of Social Psychology
1.2. Historical trends and current themes in Social Psychology
1.3. Methodological issues in social psychology
1.4. Research ethics in social psychology

2. Interpersonal Relationships
2.1. Genesis of the social relationdhip
2.2. Interpersonal atraction
2.3. Agression and Prosocial behavior

3. Social Knowledge
3.1. Forming impressions
3.2. Social representation
3.3. Causal attribution

4. Processes of social Influence
4.1. Social Influence
4.2. Attitude formation and functions of attitudes
4.3. Attitudes and behaviours
4.4. Changing attitudes

Teaching Methods

Expository methods and active methods, namely, analysis of case studies by watching movies, reading text and description of social stories. Critical analysis of scientific articles and books. Visualization or reproduction in of some classical investigations, followed by discussion.

Two evaluaton possibilities: Continuous evaluation that includes (1) group work, presentation and discussion of scientific article (50%) (2) Written tests (50%).
Final Evaluation: (1) group work, presentation and discussion of scientific article (30%) (2) Written tests (70%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )