History of Western Music IV

Name: History of Western Music IV
Code: MUS12951L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Musicology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Contextualized survey of the main fields of Western Music History related to the chronological period given in the unit´s content. Development of knowledge capacities of structuring and synthesis of the unit´s content and the associated written and oral expression training.


- Transition to Classicism
1 – Cultural context in Europe during the second half of the eighteenth Century: Enlightenment
2 – French Revolution
3 - Pre-classical music
a) opera buffa
b) vaudeville
c) Singspiel
d) Querelle des bouffons
e) Gluck and the reform of lyrical drama
f) Germany in the age of Empfindsamkeit: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
g) Rococó and Galant Style
h) The formation of Classical Style
h.1) Instrumental forms: sonata, rondo, minuet, scherzo, theme and variations
h.2) The fortepiano
h.3) Symphony - Mannheim
h.4) The emergence of Chamber Music

4 - Classical Music:
a ) Joseph Haydn
b) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c) Ludwig van Beethoven

6- First Romanticism
e) F. Schubert
f) Lied
g) The piano repertoire
h) Inovation and modernity in 1810’s generation.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition of the main topics of the curricular unit, case studies, scientific discussions of the proposed student´s works with tutorial accompaniment in what concerns the student´s learning process and the respective oral and written skills. Use of recorded musical examples, both audio and audio/video.
- Test including both, short answer and developed answer questions.
- Evaluation of the investigation presented by the student in the room:
- Wording of the work: clear writing, avoiding redundancies, repetition and colloquial terms. Use of technical terms and their explanation.
- Depth and quality of the investigation.
- Ways of presentation: clear and interesting
- Organization of the work: in coherence with the principals of the discussion about investigative methodology.


1. Continuous assessment
- 1 synthesis work with around 3000 words, which will be submitted for oral presentation
oral (50%).
- 1 final written test, with a maximum duration of 2 hours (50%).

2. Assessment by final exam:
- 1 written test, with a maximum duration of 2 hours. (100%)

Teaching Staff