Aesthetics of Music I

Name: Aesthetics of Music I
Code: MUS12939L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Musicology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Contextualized survey of the main fields of Music Aesthetics, from the Antiquity up to the Enlightenment
- Development of analytical and speculative capacities in what concerns Aesthetic topics, associated with the various texts read during the Semester


1. Introduction: Philosophy and Aesthetics
2 .The nature and problematic of Aesthetics
3. Music Aesthetics in an historical context
3.1 Classical Antiquity
3.2 Medieval Dogmatism
3.3 Theory and speculation during Renaissance
3.4 Text and Music during Reformation & Counter-Reformation
3.5 Baroque Rationalism
3.6 Enlightenment and the Aesthetics of Sentiment

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition of the main topics of the curricular unit, case studies, scientific discussions of the proposed student´s works with tutorial accompaniment in what concerns the student´s learning process and the respective oral and written skills. Use of recorded musical examples, both audio and audio/video.

• Oral and speculative comments of various texts previously given to the students
• Evaluation of the investigation presented by the student in the room:
• Wording of the work: clear writing, avoiding redundancies, repetition and colloquial terms. Use of technical terms and their explanation.
• Depth and quality of the investigation.
• Ways of presentation: clear and interesting
Organization of the work: in coherence with the principals of the discussion about investigative methodology.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )