Chamber Music III

Name: Chamber Music III
Code: MUS12968L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

a) Development of the student's sensibility for chamber music praxis;
b) To acquire specific instrumental/vocal competence in the context of chamber music, related with individual objectives of each student in every phase of the teaching-learning process;
c) Development of competencies such are:
— synchronicity and rhythmic organic of the ensemble;
— collective pitch awareness;
— Dynamic differentiation and individual adjustment to the collective dynamic in every determined situation;
— Communication.
d) Perfecting the collecting working method during rehearsals and public presentation;
e) Acquiring the knowledge of the repertory in the chamber music area, concerning the original works and the transriptions;
f) Aplying the analytical knowledge and stylistic approach to the chosen repertoire.


The program content is elaborated according to the level of each music ensemble and its capacity of musical approach of the proposed repertory, with each professor having the responsibility for the choice of works which are being interpreted.

Teaching Methods

Chamber music group from duo to ten players.

These groups will be formed and attributed to each professor at the beginning of the academic year, with the possibility of being readjusted when necessary at the beginning of the following semester by the professor in charge of Chamber Music I to VI curricular units.

The evaluation of a group is made in exam by a jury. The student must inform the jury before the exam in case he wants to be evaluated just in one group. There is also a continuous evaluation by the teacher during the semester.

Teaching Staff