Primary Instrument VI

Name: Primary Instrument VI
Code: MUS12965L
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To foster the student's artistic performance, building upon the work done in the UC Instrumento Principal I, II, III, IV and V, through the development of his/her skills on the following areas:
a) cognitive (score memorization and stylistic contextualization of the chosen works);
b) musical/expressive (synthesis of the various competences developed in UC's IP I through VI);
c) technical (continuing development of physical spatial and temporal capacities, as well as motor coordination);
d) communication (performance anxiety management).

To develop the theoretical and practical knowledge of relevant repertoires (cfr. Contemporary).
To deepen an interdisciplinary approach to instrumental/vocal performance.
To perfect autonomous and responsible work strategies.
To conceive specific valorization projects, as well as public presentations of the work developed, and communication skills.


Study (and subsequent public presentation) of specific works of the instrumental/vocal repertoire, excluding orchestral excerpts; the individual program for each student will be devised by the teacher in the beginning of the semester, bearing in mind his/her specific aptitudes, general development and technical/artistic maturity, as well as the work done in the UC's Instrumento Principal I, II, III, IV and V.

Organization of complementary activities (thematic seminars, public presentations, valorization, extension and communication projects), when pertaining.

Specific bibliographical revision.

Teaching Methods

Definition of the individual program and bibliography, according to the student's profile, by the teacher.

Individual lessons based on an interactive teaching methodology, including commentaries, exemplification, suggestions, feedback, reinforcement, practices of formative evaluation and self-evaluation, detailed indications concerning the work to be done in autonomy until the next lesson and planning.

Organization of complementary activities (auditions, seminars, masterclasses).

a) definition and pondering of continuous evaluation parameters (participation, assiduity, performance, progression) — 25%;
b) public exam before a jury: recital of 45 to 60 minutes duration, presenting representative works of the instrument's repertoire, of which 1 composed in the last 80 years, excluding orchestral excerpts; the whole program should be interpreted from memory — 75%.