Studio and Production Seminar II

Name: Studio and Production Seminar II
Code: MUS01958L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To provide the students with basic knowledge in studio work, and stage situations, from the musician standpoint, including equipment, acoustics and the ability to communicate properly with sound engineers as well as working with sound software.

This process will include:

- Learning how to work with sound software
- Learning common terminology from the sound industry
- The ability to use the standard processing tools
- The study of studio and stage organics
- Practical lessons that provide real life experience to the students
- Projection of videos about professional studio work


- Sound software

- Sound processing

- Mixing

- Mastering

- Album production process

Teaching Methods

2 weekly hours seminars composed by theoretic explanation of the subjects, open discussion on real life applications, practical classes in studio or stage environment, videos on professional recording.
Continued (40%)
- Weekly presence
- participation in class
Semester evaluation (60%)
- written test

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit’s objectives.
The theoretic explanation of the contents, together with the students practical experience in class,
and observation of methods and results shown by the teacher in class, will allow the student to
absorb all concepts and techniques in a coherent and solid fashion.

Teaching Staff