Macroeconomics II

Name: Macroeconomics II
Code: ECN02357L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Continue to develop in-depth study and consolidation of knowledge of macroeconomic analysis, especially in the medium and long term, as well as the interpretation of macroeconomic developments in open economy in which students shall pursue their activity, especially as it relates to public policy.
Encourage the use of appropriate approaches to the foundations of macroeconomic analysis, especially for the correction of problems.
Develop in students the constant learning and application of knowledge to new circumstances and known issues.
Continue to improve the skills of literature search, writing and speaking skills that enable the development of written and oral tests according to the appropriate rules and methods.
Keep developing work habits and scientifically rigorous study.


1. Supply Side of the Economy:
- Labour Market Equilibrium; Unemployment. Aggreagate supply by various Schemes Flexibility/Rigidity Salary
- Inflation and Unemployment. The Phillips Curve. Expectations, NAIRU and Hysteresis.
- Economic stabilization: the AD-AS model
2. Fluctuations in Economic Activity:
- Simple Models of Kaldor, of Hicks, Accelerator of Samuelson and Stocks multiplier of Metzler;
- The new-keynesian economics and the Real Business Cycles Theory.
3. Economic Growth and its determinants: Phisical Capital, Human Capital and Technical Capital.
- Economic Growth Models:
- Model of Harrod- Domar;
- Solow Model of Exogenous Growth (Convergence and Divergence)
- Models of Endogenous Growth.
- Economic Growth, Environment and Natural Resources
4. Financial and Economic Globalization: Macroeconomic Great Areas, the European Union and Portugal.

Teaching Methods

Is the preferred the active participation in the learning process, becoming progressively more complex the intuitive analysis of the syllabus, which will be done using the graphical analysis and the use of real case studies in order to facilitate the understanding and application of concepts.
The use of an e-learning platform (Moodle) is strategic because it is a means of rapid communication and is attractive to students and allows the constant dissemination and use of teaching materials.
The preferred method of evaluation is the "continuous assessment", using two frequencies or other form deemed most appropriate.
As the School Rules of Procedure stipulates, is still predicted the possibility of students opting for the final exam.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )