Product Design

Name: Product Design
Code: VIS14210L
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To develop theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of Product Design for the exercise of competences promoter of the autonomy of student in terms of strategic planning and implementation of the design process. Develop analytical skills and critical thinking and application of directed design methods for contextualized solutions by research and justification options based on functional,
ergonomics, material, technological, cultural, social, ecological and economic factors.
Skills to be acquired:
- Recognize features and know how to apply strategic tools inherent in the planning of the design process; - Know how to identify, interpret and synthesize development trends of product types under study;
- Develop the ability to inquire, substantiate, validate and communicate intermediate and final project options;
- Know how to direct design skills to respond to briefings based on professional assumptions.


1. Product Development Process Planning
2. Definition of individual Briefing and planning tasks by pre-provided base matrix 3. Research focused on defined design problem
4. Coworking: sharing, discussion and pre-validation of project assumptions
5. Definition of assumptions, goals and design specifications
6. Development and validation of intermediate design solution
7. Coworking: sharing, discussion and re-validation / review of the design solution 8. Technical Design and 3D rendering
9. Testing and Prototyping
10. Communication of results

Teaching Methods

The classes will be held by means of the sharing and discussion of knowledge related to the various stages of work defined and through the promotion of debates on the issues addressed.
Launching and monitoring, individual and group, of a project in the field of Product Design.
Assessment of student performance is mixed and shall be made through the analysis of their attendance and participation in class, as well as the mid-term evaluation of achieved results and, at the end of the semester, by the final evaluation by a jury.
Attendance: 10%
Mid assessment: 40% Final assessment: 50%