Technology of Digital Image Processing I

Name: Technology of Digital Image Processing I
Code: VIS12827L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course aims to provide the student a set of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of digital image processing with incidence in the field of digital editing software, targeted to the Design area. Stimulate visual perception through practical exercises where the student will explore the software in the design of exercises based on a digital photographic image.
Explore and develop at the level of initiation, the areas of drawing, Bitmap illustration, treatment and retouch photo photo, through digital editing tools.
Provide the student capacity to enable it to give a response to a basic level within the drawing and Bitmap illustration, digital image treatment and retouch.


1 Visual references and examples of application in work. Handling and finishing touches of digital images. Vectorial design and Illustration. Differences between Drawing bitmap and drawing vectorial
2. Introduction to Bitmap and vectorial drawing editing tools: Work environment; The Tools.;
The Options
3. Basic editing tools: Selection; Layers e Channels; Masks
4. Editing and colour manipulation: Saturation; Brightness; Contrast; Levels 5. Creating and editing text:Construction.; Composition.
6. Creating and editing shapes: Lines; Shapes; Composition
7. Creation and editing of patterns and textures.
8. Creation and editing using Blending modes. Colour gradients
Shapes: layering and intersection
9. Practical exercises

Teaching Methods

The methodology is based on a series of structured lessons and may resort to exercises with different levels of learning. he evaluation is continuous with intermediate assessments and, at the end of the semester, the final evaluation in a jury model.


In the NORMAL SEASON assessment students may choose one of two schemes: Continuous or Final Assessment.


Evaluation Components:
a) Class participation: 20%;
b) Work developed during the period with the accompaniment of the teacher, which must be submitted, at least, to a periodic evaluation with public disclosure of the classifications: 40%;
c) Presentation and defense of the work developed during the classes, which occurs during the "Regular Season Evaluations": 40%.


a) Work developed during the period with the teacher's accompaniment: 40%;
b) Examination based on the contents taught: 60%.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )