Theories and Models of Professional Formation

Name: Theories and Models of Professional Formation
Code: PED12538L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The curricular unit intends to provide students with a space for reflection and analysis of the various theories and models of professional training, based on the observation of the Portuguese reality, namely with regard to the formal qualification devices available today.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Know current theories and models of vocational training and its historical development
2. Identify the network of institutions operating in the area of vocational training in Portugal (in the context of education and the labor market)
3. Know the national transfer of knowledge and professional skills (Professional Certification, RVCC-PRO, ...)
4. Learning programs and initiatives within the Community (ECVET, EQF, NQF, NPF Program Lifelong Learning, ...)
5. Analyze the relationship between vocational training, current reports / forms of adult education and local development and individual
6. Know the provisions of technical and financial training


1. Theories and models in Vocational Training
2. The network of institutions working in training
3. The national and international transfer of knowledge and skill
4. Professional training and personal development, institutional and labor market
5. Vocational training and lifelong learning

Teaching Methods

Methodologies several, predominantly in the autonomous activity of students and group work, interspersed with moments of classroom management of the learning process.
The form of organization of teaching activities will be diversified so as to allow different types of work: exhibition content, group discussions, case studies, individual reading, research, among others.
The uc includes two modules:
(I) Module 1: presentation and analysis of the contents of the course, using the method of exposure and demonstration;
(II) Module 2: presentation and case study; presentation of papers in the classroom context; reflection / discussion of documents and texts:
The process of evaluation of learning will be accomplished through a written test and a practical work and the final classification will result from the arithmetic mean of the classifications obtained in the two mentioned instruments.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )