Introduction to Educational Sciences

Name: Introduction to Educational Sciences
Code: PED02473L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The course aims to provide students with a first foray into the universe of Educational Sciences, in its scientific, practical and professional development dimensions.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To appropriate a set of conceptual tools needed to understand the issues covered by the semantic field of educational sciences
- Identify and understand the main theoretical currents about the nature, purpose, method and subject of Education Sciences
- Identify and understand the different ideological frames presents in contemporary debates about education


Science Education and / or pedagogy?
Different meanings of the current notion of education.
The conditioning factors of educational situations
Scientific identity of Educational Sciences
General Framework of Education Sciences
Inter and Intra-disciplinarity in Science Education
Practice and Research in Education
Past, present and future of science education

Teaching Methods

This is a highly theoretical and introductory discipline, so the method to be followed will consist of a set of variations on the same working mode: reading and comprehension of bench mark texts in order to ownership of facts and interconnections between them.
Care must be promoted, in addition to analytical and synthetic skills of divergent thinking and creative association, in order to train students in research skills, and even desire for theoretical innovation.
The evaluation will consist of a small individual work of literature with theoretical exposition of the result and a written test of open questions, which presupposes the development of structured thought and its expression.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )