Marine Biology

Name: Marine Biology
Code: BIO12353L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Concepts on marine biology & ecology: planktonic, nektonic and benthic patterns and processes; functioning of marine systems (theoretical and practical classes). Field classes in rocky shores.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Acquisition of basic knowledge on marine biology and ecology: about biological patterns (planktonic,
nektonic and benthonic) and processes (biological and non-biological) responsible for the patterns, about
the structure and functioning of marine systems (estuaries and rocky and sandy shores (intertidal and
Development of the capacity of collect, select and interpret relevant scientific information, and of analysing
and discussing scientific papers of marine biology.
Development of English and Portuguese skills by reading /writing scientific papers of marine biology.
Development of the capacity of observation in the field by doing fieldwork in intertidal rocky shores and/or
estuaries, including suggesting hypotheses, collecting and analysing / discussing data in relation to the
original hypotheses.
Development of numerical skills by statistically analysing data
Development of oral and written communication skills.


Marine biodiversity: concepts, spatial and temporal patterns; comparison between marine and terrestrial
Spatial and temporal patterns and processes (biological and non-biological) at different scales of
distribution and abundance of planctonic, nectonic and benthonic organisms. Structure and functioning of
marine systems: estuaries and sandy and rocky shores (intertidal and subtidal).

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes about basic concepts of Marine Biology and Ecology.
Practical classes of reading and interpreting scientific papers and information of marine biology.
Field classes in intertidal rocky shores and/or estuaries in which observations will be done with the aim of
elaborating a practical study.
Practical classes on sampling and observation of marine benthonic, nektonic and planktonic organisms,
and on analysis and discussing of observed data.
Oral presentations of scientific papers by the students.
Conferences about studies of marine biology developed in the University of Évora or abroad.
Tutorial supervision (direct and on-line).
The practical component of this course can take advantage of the laboratorial infrastructures that are
available at CIEMAR (Pólo de Sines).
Evaluation: Participation in classes, seminars and scientific discussions, elaboration, presentation and
discussion of reports/papers (individually and in group)