Olive Growing

Name: Olive Growing
Code: FIT13878L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To know the olive oil sector and be aware of its economic importance
To know the species and its evolution, as well as the plant and its habits of growth, production, and reproduction.
To know the most important varieties and their agronomic aptitude
To understand the main aspects of plant physiology and how they are affected by nutrition and watering
To know the types of olive orchards with emphases on the installation, maintenance, conduction, pruning and harvesting techniques.


-The olive tree - distribution and economical importance
-Taxonomy and systematics - Evolution and diversity in gen. Olea; Ampelographic and molecular characterization of varieties
-Botanic characterization and external morphology - Vegetative and reproductive structures. Pollen and pollination
- Main varieties and Rootstocks
- Propagation methods - Seed Propagation. Vegetative propagation (woody and semihardwood cuttings, and grafting), micropropagation
-Physiology and Phenology: Vegetative cycle -Dormancy, budbreak, vegetative growth and associated factors; Reproductive cycle - Flowering and fruit set (floral and other anomalies); Fruit growth and development; The olive tree physiology and its relationship with plant nutrition; Water use efficiency in olive growing
-Olive orchards and associated cultural practices: Installation, planting densities, soil maintenance, conduction, pruning and olive harvesting. Effect of cultural techniques on olive development and productivity.

Teaching Methods

Teaching: Theoretical-practical classes in the classroom, in the field, in collections of plant material or in nurseries.

Evaluation: The evaluation is based on written tests.

Normal season evaluation:

Option by 2 frequencies - each representing 50% of the final grade.

Option by final exam – represents 100% of the final grade (can be performed by students who do not submit to the evaluation by frequencies or decide by the final exam after the first frequency)

Appeal exam -represents 100% of the final grade (can be performed by all students who fail the assessment in normal season or by those who wish to take grade improvement)