Pathology and Entomology of Mediterranean Crops

Name: Pathology and Entomology of Mediterranean Crops
Code: FIT13867L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Acquire knowledge about key diseases affecting Mediterranean crops, by means of recognition of symptoms, observation of lesions, application of diagnostic techniques as isolation, biological and biochemical properties of the causal agent. Acquire knowledge on sanitary selection procedures and certification programmes of propagative material, and on general management of diseases. Acquire knowledge to identify, recognize the symptomatology and the life cycles of key pests of Mediterranean crops and evaluate the impact of factors affecting its development and its distribution in the context of the application of integrated management principles.
2. Develop individual skills in diagnosing diseases and pests in a selected field crop by carrying out supervised laboratory work, followed by the a suggestion of a plan to control the crop diseases and pests, all expressed in a final report, as if it were a result of a technical consultation from a farmer.


Plant Pathology 1 Study of specific key diseases affecting most important crops in the country, caused by: ‘Fungus-like organisms’, fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, virus and weeds. Symptoms, biological cycles and means of control effective. 2 Methods for diagnosis of plant pathogens and applications. 4. Programs of Phytossanitary Certification.
Entomology 1 Studies on morphology, physiology and biology of key pests of Mediterranean crops, caused by mites and insects. 2 Relevant factors in the development and distribution of pests. 3 Correlation among feeding and reproductive habits of pests and their respective deleterious effects on hosts.
Team work assignment of the crops to students working as a team, that will follow the biological cycle of the crop, record the symptoms, collect samples of symptomatic tissues/organs, list possible causal agents, bring to the lab for detailed observation, isolation and diagnosis. All these steps will be discussed and closely supervised.

Teaching Methods

Teaching of matters noted above as Plant Pathology and Entomology will involve lectures and praticals and Team work will be tutorial. In the latter the students will be taught to critically observe (several parameters have to be taken into account) the crop in the field, comparison of symptomatologies with others already known or found in bibliography sources for the same crop or a similar one, discussion regarding the use of some diagnostic methods namely: the information they can provide, general versus specific, the relative (un) importance of specificity, the cost, and the right option in the given situation.
Student evaluation will include a written final test covering all the subjects covered in the lectures -praticals (60%) and the evaluation of the orally presented Final Report on the crop enemies (30%). This will have a high weight in the final student grading. The quality of the student participation in classes will be 10%.