Greenhouse Technology

Name: Greenhouse Technology
Code: ERU13823L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In the end of the course students will have skills and competences related with greenhouse design, mainly related with the selection of proper environmental control systems, construction materials and type of greenhouses. Students will be able to determine heating/cooling and ventilation needs.


- Introduction. Influence of climatic factors on greenhouse production
- Building materials: Structure and Cover materials
- Types of greenhouses
- Physical principles of environmental control: Psychrometric chart, Sensible and latent heat transfer processes, Environmental control processes
- Thermal balance: Daytime and nighttime. Mass balance
- Environmental control systems
- Ventilation: Quantification of ventilation rate, ventilation Systems
- Quantification of cooling and heating needs
- Shading
- Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving.

Teaching Methods

Remote working: Introduction of the fundamental theoretic concepts through resources available in Moodle or another platform (lessons, texts, PowerPoint presentations, Internet pages, etc.). The students' work will be guided by specific objectives.
Classroom work: Theoretic exposition and practical resolution of exercises. Throughout the semester, students develop practical work very useful in the integration of knowledge.

The evaluation will consist of group work and small tests in person or in moodle . The final grade will be a weighted average : 80% of the group work grade and 20% of test grade.