Contemporary History I

Name: Contemporary History I
Code: HIS02446L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This compulsory curricular unit in the study cycle takes as its temporal dimension the long nineteenth century from the double revolution, which began in the late seventeen hundred, until the beginnings of the first Great War. The academic work is centered on theoretical-practical classes with exposition of the contents by the teacher and on the accomplishment of oral presentations and written works by the students. It is intended, as stated in the objectives, to provide students with a basic scientific training and develop research skills and information literacy. To deepen the topics covered and carry out the work, in addition to the basic bibliography, specific and updated bibliography by the teacher will be indicated.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide an adequate scientific preparation in the field of contemporary times for future graduates;
Understand the economic, social and cultural structures in Europe and New World in the nineteenth century;
Characterize the scientific and cultural movements, including the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Positivism;
Relate the movement of ideas and ideologies with economic and social structures and conjunctures ;
Enhance the taste for investigation, given a necessary and ongoing training using a continuously updated information of the theories and knowledge;
Encourage students' interest by raising issues, the research and information processing, using new research techniques and data processing;
Develop competence in oral and written expression;
Develop critical thinking in choosing the sources of information and its handling.


1 - The genesis of the contemporary world: French Revolution: cultural, economic and social. The political significance of the Revolution: the centralization of political, human rights and constitutionalism, the American Revolution and Democracy in America: The scope and meaning of the Industrial Revolution: Revolution and agricultural industrialization; Diversity in industrialization.
2 - Liberalism and Nationalism in Europe (1815-1848): the Restoration, the revolutions in Europe and New World.
3 - Europe 1848 to 1918: the era of progress and equity, economic development and industrialization, the movement of nationalities: Italian and German unification, imperialism and colonization, labor and trade union movement.
4. The contemporary political and social thought: economic liberalism and the classical economists, liberalism and democracy, the Socialists.
5. History of the scientific institutions: progress and scientific development, the scientific voyages.

Teaching Methods

The working method is based on theoretical and practical lessons, exhibition content, text analysis and presentation by students. The texts will be indicated at the beginning of school year to enable an early reading, using either traditional media or the Internet.
Educational materials used in class, including summaries, program and bibliography will be available on the platform of e-learning university: www.moodle.uevora.pt
The Teacher's discipline indicate the beginning of the year dedicated to two hours weekly tutorial work in order to follow students, answer questions and give suggestions for bibliographic scheduled completion of work. To enjoy the support students can also use e-mail.
Continuous assessment: 2 written tests (70%), presentation of a work and writing a paper (30%).
Assessment Final Examination - A written test.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )