Rehabilitation Nursing Project

Name: Rehabilitation Nursing Project
Code: ENF14514M
Duration: 30 weeks/54 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Curricular unit aims to support the student in carrying out the course, in a logic of articulation of the master's competences, specific to the area of specialization and the personal interests of their professional and academic development.
Thus, it offers students the possibility to build a differentiated path, in a professional context; to frame a project in which they develop problems(s) related to the course units.
It is based on student's responsibility with own path, the promotion of self-reflection and personal and professional development as well as the construction of a personalized education. It is intended to reinforce the awareness that the student is the builder of his own education, contribute to active learning and provide support to the training of the specialist.


The syllabus of the Curricular Unit varies from student to student, according to the project and the context chosen by the latter, in conjunction with the advisor.
Nevertheless, it is possible to predict that, in general, the program will be materialized in the student's work program, considering the project stages, the skills profile, the course structure, specifically including the internships, and their interests.

Teaching Methods

This Curricular Unit is essentially based on the implementation of active methodologies, namely that of PjBL (Project Based Learning). The UC has an initial orientation seminar to carry out the project. From there, in tutorial guidance, student and advisor define a personalized work program, attending to the student's contracted project. Each project will have an advisor chosen by the trainees, who will accompany the Project, Stage I, Stage II and Report curricular units.
The UC evaluation focuses on the project protocol developed by the student, in specialization and in his area of interest, presented and discussed with a project jury. It is intended that the student prepare a project and synthesize it for presentation, in a pitch format.