Thematic Mapping

Name: Thematic Mapping
Code: GEO14561M
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Thematic Mapping, within the scope of the Masters in Geological Engineering, is an interdisciplinary curricular unit where the forms and methods of representing reality, from various points of view, are explained and explored using analog and digital representation platforms.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

With this curricular unit the student will be able to plan, implement and evaluate the design of all types of cartographic works used in geological engineering, including: structural contours maps; mining maps, mineral occurrences maps; natural resources maps; land planning maps; risks, environmental and protection maps; exploitation and construction materials maps; Urban and Regional Planning maps, among others.
This curricular unit is very practical in nature, leading students to develop work on the ground, but also has an important office and laboratory component, which results in performance and interpretation of data collected in field operations.


Introduction: cartography applied to Geosciences, namely Geological Engineering.
Structural cartography: identifying, mapping and characterizing geological structures. Structural contour maps and 3D models; optimization of geological cartography using GPS and GIS.
Mineral resource cartography: mineralization; metallogenic and mining provinces; maps of mineral occurrences, their classification and representation in a mining district; small-scale cartography; mining cartography; infrastructure charts; surveys of mining works (trenches, galleries).
Geotechnical cartography: basic principles; geotechnical cartography in regional and urban planning; typology of geotechnical maps; geotechnical units; land classification and its cartographic representation; maps of units and geotechnical zoning.
Application examples: natural resources, suitability for construction, risks and environmental protection maps.

Teaching Methods

It is considered that the teaching methods adopted, consisting of classes, in order to provide students with the fundamental concepts and techniques on Thematic Cartography (structural, seotechnical and mineralization), complemented with field work that allows the student the opportunity to acquire skills in the practical application of basic principles used in the preparation of maps, and integrating these data into a georeferenced database, are the teaching methods most appropriate to achieve the objectives for this course.
Remote teaching using online platforms can be used in the theoretical component and in tutorial support.
Continuous evaluation: fieldwork reports (30%), reports on the analysis and interpretation of thematic letters (30%), GIS project based on collected and/or supplied data (20%) and presentation and discussion of the GIS project ( 20%).
Final exam: students who do not complete at least one of the proposed works are sent to the final exam.