Construction IV

Name: Construction IV
Code: ARQ02523I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Study of the following building elements: windows and doors, floors, stairs and ramps. The main types and their constitution are analyzed. Thermal and sound insulation solutions. Sound absorption.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Theme: Building Systems.
The relationship between architectural formal expression and building elements and systems.
Structural proportions and dimension.


1. Spans.
2. Pavements.
3. Stairs.
4. Thermal insulation.
5. Acoustic absorption.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology includes oral presentations, exercises and discussion.


The classification in this curricular unit may result from one of the following assessment systems: continuous assessment or final exam.
Continuous assessment by frequency: Final Grade = (0.6xF) + (0.4xT)
Assessment by regular exam: Final Grade = (0.7xEN) + (0.3xT)
Assessment by appeal period exam, special period exam and extraordinary period exam: Final Grade = (0.7xEN) + (0.3xT)

On what:
Final Grade - cannot be less than 10 points.
F – 2 frequencies whose arithmetic average cannot be less than 10 points and the minimum grade in each frequency cannot be less than 7.5 values.
T - 2 works whose arithmetic average cannot be less than 10 points.
EN – exam whose minimum grade is 10 points.
E – exam whose minimum grade is 10 points.

Attendance in classes is mandatory (75% of classes). Anyone who exceeds the number of absences will only be able to take the appeal exam.