Sociology of Health

Name: Sociology of Health
Code: SOC02426L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To provide the study and the sociological analysis of the key ideas about social and cultural phenomena in health, illness and medicine;
2. To enable students to develop a plural and critical analysis of different issues of sociology of health
Specifically, we intend that at the end of teaching and learning sessions, students have acquired the following competencies:
- Understand the process of social interaction in health and illness;
- Understand the social inequalities in health and disease;
- Understand the core issues of sociological approach to describe the scientific medicine development, profession of medicine, socialization of physicians, physician-patient relationship, alternative healers, and the role of technology in health care;
- Identify, list and summarize social and cultural factors implicit in lifestyles, risks and health.


1: Health, Illness/Disease and Society
1.1. Health and illness/disease in the context of sociology
1.2. Social inequalities in health and illness/disease
1.3. Sociology of Health "Agenda"
2: Health and Illness/Disease Experiences
2.1. Social representations of health and illness/disease
2.2. Family, aging and self-management health care
3: Body, Health and Society
3.1. Risks, body and medicalized society
3.2. Sociology of health promotion
4: Organization of Health Care Delivery
4.1. Health organizations and professions
4.2. Sociological diagnosis and intervention in health care organizations

Teaching Methods

Unit to be taught by theoretical-practical sessions, classroom-based, and can eventually be applied practical exercises sessions via platform-moodle UEvora.
Tutorial sessions and self-study in accordance with Bologna Process recommendations.
For contact hours with the teacher and the teaching / learning will be organized in classes ~ essentially theoretical and practical.
In addition to the content teaching exhibition by the teacher, classes also count with students participation, individually or in small groups, and based on previously distributed resources or gathered through self-study.
a) Continuous Evaluation:
- Working paper (1 paper = 75% + presentation= 25%)
b) Evaluation by final exam:
- Written test (a comprehensive final exam = 50%) + practical work individually (50%).

Teaching Staff