Child and Pediatric Health

Name: Child and Pediatric Health
Code: ENF14533M
Duration: 15 weeks/108 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

• Recognize the main pediatric diseases;
• Identify signs of acute or chronic diseases by pediatric ages;
• Assess abnormal evolution of chronic ill;
• Discuss pharmacological pediatric topics;
• Promote management of pain and child well-being.


1.Pediatrics illness and injury;
2. Signs of acute and chronic diseases;
3. Abnormal evolution of the main chronic pathologies;
4. Pharmacological pediatric topics;
5. Pain management.

Teaching Methods

The focus will be lectures with student participation.
Evaluation: Individual writing test (100%).
The students whose final grade is equal to or greater than 10 will be approved.

Teaching Staff