Evaluation in Education

Name: Evaluation in Education
Code: PED12657D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Understanding the dimensions of evaluation in different domains and their assumptions.
- To reflect on the role of evaluation in the development of educational organizations.
- To relate the theoretical perspectives with the evaluative practices in specific contexts of the educational reality.
- Exploring possibilities to enhance the relevance of evaluation in the current context of the educational context.
- To problematize the articulation between self-evaluation and external evaluation.
- Perspectives on the evaluation of learning as an integral part of the curriculum.
- Extending competences on the adequacy of assessment procedures to the diversity and nature of learning and based on research data.


1. Theoretical framework and fundamentals of evaluation in education: concepts of evaluation, measurement and classification; trends and paradigms of educational evaluation; historical perspective of the evaluation.
2. Collection and analysis of information: methods of data collection; assessment tools and techniques; validity and reliability of assessment tools.
3. Evaluation of school organizations: internal evaluation and external evaluation; organizational assessment; evaluation planning and operation; improvement plans.
4. Assessment modalities: formative assessment - feedback, self-regulation, self-assessment and metacognition; summative assessment - internal and external; relations between formative and summative assessment.
5. National and international evaluation studies.

Teaching Methods

The methodologies promote the students' participation in the accomplishment of tasks of different nature, through the debate, the reasoned criticism and the reflexive intervention, simultaneously contributing to the consolidation of their knowledge and respective mobilization.
The students are asked to perform individual or small group work and participate in discussions and debates that are articulated with expository moments of framing and systematization of the themes, always seeking to establish multiple relationships with the different dimensions of evaluation and links between educational theory and practice, based on the students’ professional experiences and on specific documents.
The evaluation is based on 2 main elements: (i) participation in the discussions (20%), and (ii) production of a written document (60%), based on norms agreed with the doctoral students, followed by presentation in (20%).