Psychomotor Practice II

Name: Psychomotor Practice II
Code: DES13912L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


It is intended to deepen psychomotor practice at the level of the Centers of Resources for Inclusion and Centers of Occupational Activities, pathologies and dynamics of action.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended to deepen the knowledge about psychomotor practice in a reeducational and occupational context.
In terms of knowledge, the objectives are to know:
- And describe the most frequent pathologies in the reeducational and occupational contexts;
- The dynamics and specificities of the contexts of the Resource Center for Inclusion (RCI) and the Center for Occupational Activities (OAC);
- The conceptual and methodological aspects that support the techniques and models of intervention with the populations in RCI and OAC;
- And describe the roles of the psychomotricist in RCI and OAC in the service of a trans and multidisciplinary team.


Resource centers for inclusion
a. Characterization of institutions
b. Main pathologies and respective characteristics
c. Main techniques and models of therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation
d. Specificities in the intervention with these populations
Occupational activity centers
a. Characterization of institutions
b. Main pathologies and respective characteristics
c. Main techniques and models of therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation
d. Specificities in the intervention with these populations

Teaching Methods

This UC includes, weekly, a T (120min) and a LP (120min), held in the classroom and in the psychomotricity room, respectively. In the T class, the necessary contents for the contextualization and understanding of the interventions will be addressed using the interrogative, active and expository methods. In the LP classes, these contents will be transposed, using the methods already mentioned as well as the demonstrative method (simulation of practice) of specific methodologies of therapeutic intervention and moments of critical analysis.
The continuous assessment will be carried out through several activities carried out in small group and individually (50%) and a written test (50%). In each of the components it is mandatory to obtain a minimum classification of 10 values. Attendance at least 75% of sessions is required.
The exam evaluation will consist of a written test (50% of the final grade) and a practical test (50% of the final grade).

Teaching Staff