Applied spatial data science

Name: Applied spatial data science
Code: GEO13693O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This curricular unit intends that trainees make contact with the different forms of treatment and analysis of spatial data.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Know how to explore spatial data with analysis tools and techniques that increase the analytical capacity of traditional data science.
Understand that spatial means more than x, y coordinates and that the location-based context reveals patterns in the data that might otherwise be hidden.
Know how to apply data engineering and visualization techniques in solving modelling and prediction problems.
Know how to use a programming language (R or Python) in the analysis of spatial data.


1- Analysis of geographic information and spatial data
2- The pitfalls and potential of spatial data
3- Maps as results of data and processes
4- Practical analysis of point patterns
5- Area objects and spatial correlation
6- Local statistics
7- Describing and analysing fields
8- Spatial analysis with machine learning methods

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this UC is in the problem solving format. The classes correspond to a set of introductory videos to each problem. These videos are accompanied by recommended readings and a set of quick questions that must be resolved by the students.
This set of educational elements is designed in a modality of learning by doing and with gamification content.


The continuous assessment is carried out by delivering a case study report. This evaluation will have two phases (one intermediate and one final). The intermediate will be valued for 40% and the final 60%.
The final assessment is done by the deliver of a document in the format of a scientific paper for a case study (100%).

Teaching Staff