Economic Globalization

Name: Economic Globalization
Code: ECN13103M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Legal-Political Theory and International Relations

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To endow students with the capacity to develop critical analyses and to stimulate their interest for the
comprehension of global economic realities. The objectives are promoting personal improvements and a social
conscience based on knowledge as well as to supply useful employability tools.
An active teaching approach, in line with the requirements of the labor market, is adopted.


1 – Introduction: object and objectives of the course
2 – Conceptual framework and historical aspects of economic globalization
3 – International trade
4 – Capital movements: foreign direct investments and international portfolio investments
5 – Migration flows
6 – Environmental impacts of globalization
7 - The impact of economic globalization: the perspective of the European Union and of developing countries
8 – Institutional issues: the main international economic institutions

Teaching Methods

The main concepts and theories are presented in expositive sessions, but contact hours also have an applied
component, consisting of discussions of economic globalization news. The objective of the latter is to
distinguish between the different approaches to the discussion of economic globalization.
There are three evaluation hypothesis:
1) One written examination, supervision of classroom discussion of news and a research paper (40%, 30%,
2) One written and one oral examination (50%, 50%).
3) One written examination and a research paper (50%, 50%).