Contemporary Social Problems

Name: Contemporary Social Problems
Code: SOC02417L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


A big picture on the problems that challenge the contemporary world, stimulating the sociological imagination in order to understand conflicts, tensions and contradictions of modern times

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In general this UC aims to identify the main axes of transformation of societies and to provide students with an overview of the major contemporary social problems. It is expected the student develops skills in questioning, analytical reasoning, critical and reflective about the social problems of today. Specifically the student should know:
a) identify and characterize social problem,
b) identify and characterize the major contemporary social problems,
c) Identify and describe the major perspectives of the study of social problems,
d) using the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the methods and techniques of sociological research in social problems approach.


1. Social problem and sociological problem
2. Perspectives of study for social problems
3. Political and doctrinal perspectives on social problems
4. Great social problems of today: Environmental problems, Demographic, Economic and globalization, Health, disease and society, Education, Deviant behaviors, Ideological issues.

Teaching Methods

Teaching / learning methodology:
- Oral exposition of theoretical issues, supported by audio-visual media and illustrated with examples of concrete social reality;
- Developed summaries of the issues discussed in with indication of specific support texts;
- Individual and group reading of texts;
- Reading texts and structured oral presentation of the author's main ideas;
- Participation in conferences of sociological interest;
- Monitoring tutorial attendance and distance learning (http://www.moodle.uevora.pt)
School Internal Regulation establishes two types of assessment - continuous assessment process or a final examination:
Continuous assessment: written examination (60%) + work group about a social problem chose by students with oral presentation and discussion in (40%)
Final examination: written examination (100%).

Teaching Staff