Sociopolitical and Epistemological References

Name: Sociopolitical and Epistemological References
Code: ENF14494M
Duration: 15 weeks/135 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the socio-political and epistemological references of family health nursing;
• Deepen knowledge about the dominant conceptions in family health nursing;
• Develop a reflective and critical stance on the path and framework of family health nursing, as an area of specialized practice.


1. Family health and social policies
2. International and national references of family health nursing
3. Epistemological and family health nursing references:
Family nursing theory
Family development theory
Family systems theory

Teaching Methods

The teaching/learning methodologies focus on a reflective approach, aimed at understanding the different theoretical approaches, articulated with the students' experiences and stimulating the interaction between master students and teachers aiming to promote the development of skills, through methods: expository, interrogative and active (brainstorming and panel technique, role-play, case study, debate, group work) and guided reading and analysis of scientific articles. The analysis, reflection and discussion on the application of different theories to family health nursing care will be carried out through the proposals of the master's students, emerging from practices in different contexts and duly guided by teachers. The evaluation will be continuous and finalized with a written work.