Theory and Practice of Mediation

Name: Theory and Practice of Mediation
Code: PED02489L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To reflect upon the psychosocial reality and the cultural determinatives, starting from the human component in treating conflicts
- Give students a full-scale picture of the means used by Justice and those that are ancillary to it (RAL).
- To know the most important proceedings developed by the Harvard Negotiating School so that students have the necessary tools in Mediation, thus being able to create the basis for future Mediation processes
- Provide students with an alternative view of Mediation, one that relies on conflict resolution among people, thus highlighting its advantages and main characteristics
- Underscore the role of the mediator, clarifying his/her role, and his/her function, highlighting his/her different stages in the mediation process
- Elucidate all the mediation services available in Small Claim Court, as well as the ethical and deontological norms that are the backbone of all mediation processes.


Sociological aspects of conflict. Psychological aspects of all those involved in conflicts.
- The Conflict: elements, ways of approaching it, and basic ways of solving it.
- Alternative ways of solving a conflict.
- Communication/Negotiation
- Mediation: concept and objectives
- The process of Mediation.
- The mediator: being and knowing
- How to apply mediation
- Mediation in Small Claims Court.
- Ethics and Deontology in Mediation.

Teaching Methods

Lectures are based upon collective sessions of 3 hours each, of tutoring sessions, and of talks given by invited guests. The collective sessions will consist of theory and practice, based on the following methodology: exercises aimed at activating preconceived ideas, interactive communication, debates, case studies, dramatizations/simulations, analysis, reports, and presentations. They will be diverse in nature, so that to allow different methodological approaches and analyses. The syllabi will be posted on the e-learning platform , on the SIIUE site, as well as the students in the 1st session.
Two hours per week will be devoted to tutorials, in order to guarantee students? progress and to provide them with access to the e-mail.
Evaluation: Semester Portfolio (20%), written work (60%) (individual as well as in groups), oral presentation, based on written work (20%).

Teaching Staff