Physiological Bases of Physical Activity

Name: Physiological Bases of Physical Activity
Code: DES13984L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This CU aims to provide students with a Degree in Sport Sciences and Psychomotor Rehabilitation with the basic knowledge to conceive the human being as a living organism in interaction with the environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the human being as a living organism in homeostasis with the environment.
Know the structures and phenomena that regulate key physiological processes associated to human movement and physical activity at micro and macro levels.
Develop basic knowledge on different organ systems of the human body, their physiological functions and behavior.
Develop the ability to interpret the physiological phenomena of the human body systems, alone and in interaction, at rest and in effort.
Develop knowledge about the evaluation and interpretation of physiological phenomena inherent to movement and physical activity for further professional intervention in sport sciences and psychomotor rehabilitation.
Promote the acquisition of manipulative skills and the necessary known to use tools and methodologies for assessing physiological parameters.
Encourage and develop research skills on the matters of the discipline, whether literature or experimental.


Introduction: General and cellular physiology

Physiology, chemical composition of the body and movement
The cell and its functioning

Water, electrolytes and acid base balance

Respiratory system
Constituents of the respiratory system and their functions
Respiratory system and physical activity

Cardiovascular system
Constituents of the cardiovascular system and their functions

Digestive system
Constituents of the digestive system and their functions
Digestive system, food and physical activity

Nutrient metabolism energy and physical activity
Neuromuscular System

Anatomical and functional organization of the nervous system
Membrane potentials and action potentials

Muscle fiber
Nerve-muscle integration: the motor unit
Types of muscle contractions

Hormonal system
Constituents, functions and action mechanisms

Teaching Methods

The teaching-learning process of this UC comprises collective sessions, tutorial sessions, and evaluations sessions. This process includes theoretical sessions (in auditorium, mainly using expository methods as like PowerPoint presentations or other means - e.g. videos), and theoretical-practical sessions (where tasks for evaluation of the physiological parameters - using scientific equipment - are proposed, as well as other tasks requesting research with critical analysis or practical situations of human movement). Works using the Moodle platform are required. In tutorial sessions, the individual needs of students are met. In the continuous evaluation, students perform written theoretical tests and theoretic- practical works. Students needs to get positive scores on these two assessment components. Students can be evaluated by a written test regarding the exam procedure.
Continuous assessment process:
Frequency 1 - 50%
Frequency 2 - 50%
Final exam evaluation process: